Bel 06-20287009
'Society Design' solves social problems through creativity.
By bringing different disciplines together (crossover), problems are tackled in the broadest sense. Crossover art, cross-over thinking, design thinking & concept and idea development are used as a means to tackle burning issues, challenges and issues. Society Design brings various, workable platforms and projects to life from various angles in order to make the problem visible and realize change and solutions.
The signature has been developed while working on various projects. I initiated these projects:
-Helping municipalities and companies to accelerate the energy transition through co-creation (collaboration with
-Organizing cultural events to discuss social issues;
various stakeholders and involved parties);
-Use social media to connect people in times of COVID;
-Developing a holographic interactive artwork to ease hard gentrification and connect people.
'Society Design' pioneers, coming up with unconventional solutions, co-creating with problem owners and relevant stakeholders during crises and changes.